Our Featured Exams

Our Featured Exams

Dive into a selection of exams that test your knowledge and skills across various domains.

Linux Programming

Linux Programming

123CS301PC211 - Linux Programming Exam

Test your skills in Linux shell scripting, system calls, and process management. Perfect for aspiring systems developers and network admins.

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Data Structures Using Java

Data Structures Using Java

123CS313PC203 - Data Structures Using Java Exam

Test your knowledge of arrays, linked lists, trees, and algorithm efficiency with real-world applications.

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Operating Systems

Operating Systems

123CS301PC204 - Operating Systems Exam

Evaluate your understanding of process scheduling, memory management, and I/O systems in modern operating systems.

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Computer Networks

Computer Networks

123CS301PC205 - Computer Networks Exam

Test your expertise in TCP/IP protocols, network topologies, and security fundamentals.

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AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

123CS301PC206 - AI and Machine Learning Exam

Challenge your understanding of AI models, machine learning algorithms, and neural networks.

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Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

223CS203ES112 - OOP in Java Exam

Test your proficiency in OOP principles like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism in Java.

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